Tag: cfa

CFA makes some great tweets

These are really good tweets. Firstly, the actual towns in the Watch and Act are mentioned. Where it can fit, a suggested course of action is recommended. A capture of the EMV map is included. The only improvements I could suggest are a timestamp, and a hashtag for the job stream. Break up lots of town names by making two (or even 3) tweets to cover all the towns mentioned, and you'll have room for further info.

This is the bot tweet for this Watch and Act. Notice how town names not mentioned, and job name is not hashtagged:

This is another example of a great SMEM tweet on the same day:

Here's the bot tweet for this job:

So, the SMEM op is really good. The next most important bit of info is the direction the fire is traveling - if there is room in the tweet. Space is not a problem on Facebook.

I've been posting Watch and Acts and Emergency Warnings for years to include all the town names mentioned. Incident Alert have been doing it since before me, but they don't include as much info. When people at home search Twitter for emergency traffic in their area, they are likely to search for their town name, or the town name where they think the job is - ie: 'Tyabb'. Some may think to hashtag this, but I don't think that would be common. Once a search for the town name is done, they will find traffic with the job name hashtag on it. They click on the hashtag to find the job stream. They may scroll back through the job stream to the first tweet about the event. Some users are aware of the #vicfires hashtag and may check that first. There, they will find the job name hashtag, and the job stream. Even if the public search for the word 'fire', there is every chance they will find a tweet from the job stream with the job hashtag on it, and so find the entire job stream. This is why I always mention the word 'fire' somewhere in every tweet about a fire event.

This is great work by CFA and Emergency Management Victoria on 19th January, 2016 :)

Lights and sirens

What is it like to drive a firetruck 'lights and sirens'?

We all fantasize about doing it! Most of us have done it on video games. The most powerful vehicle on the road. Everyone gives way. Well, nearly everyone. There are some idiots.

I've been unlucky enough to have done it so many times I've lost count, over the years. I say unlucky, because you have to see the bigger picture. The only reason for a vehicle to be using lights and sirens is because someone is in danger. It's not fun. While you're busy breaking the road rules, you're acutely aware that someone is desperately waiting for you to arrive. You're listening to information about the job on the radio, and you're trying to plan what you will do when you arrive. Your crew leader is giving everyone orders. You're terrified of what you're doing, and what you will find when you get there. But don't forget to concentrate on the driving...

The first time I did it was in 1986. I was a rooky with Langwarrin Fire Brigade. I'd been with them a little while, and had nearly earned my proper firefighter's jacket. I was still wearing yellow overalls. We were called ducks. A few of us ducks were sent off with the rescue unit to check and maintain fire hydrants one Sunday morning. I was the most experienced duck, so they made me crew leader/driver. While were out checking the hydrants, we got a call on the radio telling us to return to the station 'code 1' (lights and sirens). I asked them send the message again. They confirmed. A bunch of rookies shat themselves. I remember the first red light I ever drove through legally. I remember the cars which were in the intersection. I can tell you their colours, and exactly where they stopped when they gave way. I will never forget it.

Yes, it's a huge rush. But you're terrified out of your mind. If you make a single mistake, people will get hurt.

Some drivers get what we call 'siren syndrome'. They've got such a rush of adrenaline that they break out into a dramatic sweat, and they make a lot of mistakes. It's a common thing and brigades watch for it and help people to overcome it. A driver with siren syndrome may be told by the officer in charge to downgrade to code 3 (normal road rules) to reduce risk.

One of the most dangerous parts of driving code 1 is that the public often overreact and do crazy things right in front of you. It is intimidating to have a firetruck up your arse! It's not possible for us to avoid doing it - we have to get past. Oncoming traffic freaks out and swerves off the road to try to give you room. If a car gets onto the gravel shoulder of the road at 100kmh, it's likely to get out of control. The back end slides out and when it grabs it sends them straight across the road into the oncoming traffic (and you). That's if it doesn't roll. It's happened in front of me.

Some drivers pretend the firetruck doesn't exist and ignore it. If you can't get past them, you crawl along behind them wondering how they even got a license. Everyone in the cabin is swearing. You're on the horn, and they go slower...

You learn some pretty neat tricks after a while - how to get around traffic banked up at an intersection; how to get creative when forging new pathways. I learned that if you're on the wrong side of the road, oncoming traffic is highly motivated to give way to you. But that's very dangerous, because if just one driver doesn't see you, they'll drive straight into you with catastrophic results.

If there is an accident of any kind while you're traveling with lights and sirens on, it is always your fault. The rules say you can only break the road rules if it is safe and expedient to do so. If there is an accident, it obviously wasn't safe! So you are to blame. If someone dies, you will face the coroner.

And there are accidents. They are always tragic.

When you've done it a lot, you don't get a buzz from the lights and sirens. Instead, as you begin your journey, you have butterflies in your stomach and a feeling like you've got an unpleasant task to do and you'd best just get it done.

It takes a lot of practice to do it well. You have to operate the switch for the siren as you drive - changing the tone for straight sections, and emergency vehicles need to make a different noise when they are entering dangerous areas like intersections to let everyone know. Nobody else in the cabin will touch any of the controls. They're not allowed to even operate the switch.

Driving code 1 at night has greater challenges because the lights reflect off EVERYTHING. This makes you think there's movement everywhere, and it attracts your eye. You can't help it. The lights are very bright.

The siren drives you crazy. You turn it off whenever you can get away with it. When it's on, you can't hear yourself think. It makes communicating in the cabin of the truck difficult.

Yes, it's the greatest rush you can imagine. It's not a rush you can enjoy. Being able to break the road rules does not give you freedom - it ties you up in knots.

Unique fire risk in Warrandyte area.

Unique fire risk in Warrandyte area.

Warrandyte is a dangerous place to be during a bushfire. Limited access means there is no means of evacuation once a fire event has begun. All residents must prepare their homes to defend, or leave the area early in the day, before a fire begins.

Don't Wait and See

Fire will likely approach from the north-west, but a wind change could also cause impact from the south-west.

Bridges at Kangaroo Ground Road and Fitzsimons Lane will become congested. Little chance for evacuation across either of the two bridges, or the Main Road to Lower Plenty Road route.

Mapping thanks to Google Maps

CFA Community Engagement Forum 3/8/13 Twitter hashtag traffic

CFA Community Engagement Forum 3/8/13 Twitter hashtag traffic
Warning: Large page will be slow to load on mobile equipment.

This is page 1 of the forum. For page 2, held on the 4/8/13, please click here.

The forum was held in Bendigo, in the function room at All Seasons Hotel, with many important speakers and guests travelling. The room was full, although Daniel Eshuis did manage to find a single abandoned chair to sit in.

The forum was tweeted about on Twitter by many participants. Outside people followed the hashtag #CFAengage and contributed to the public discussion. I would like to see CFA use their own resources to expand their message to those 'outside the room' by using live-streaming. I would recommend some kind of official Twitter presence too.

From each of these tweets, various sub-conversations occurred. I did not attempt to capture these. You can follow conversations by examining the hashtag on Twitter. Conversations on Twitter can be disjointed - a thread may be picked up again several tweets later.

For tweets from the second day of the conference (4/8/13), please click here.

Tyabb Fuel Tanker Rollover 11th July 2013

Fuel-tanker rollover at Westernport Hwy/Frankston-Flinders Rd, Tyabb - 3.04pm 11th July, 2013.

     At approximately 3.07pm, I was notified that a truck had rolled over at the corner of Westernport Hwy/Frankston-Flinders Rd roundabout. This is the third tanker rollover at that intersection in my memory.

      I collected my camera gear and drove to the intersection, about 1km away. I arrived very shortly after Tyabb Tanker 1, and the crew were still sizing up. I was able to get close the scene, but stayed upwind with an old, experienced firefighter I know, and got a pic. I said to him that I just wanted to get a shot of the wheels, and I would be gone, but he said "No Brad, it's too dangerous, clear out." I retreated immediately to behind the safety of Tyabb's Tanker 2, which had just arrived. From there I was able to capture a short grab of video, and another picture.

     There was another bloke standing on the far side of Tanker 1. Also, the truck-driver was behind the overturned tanker, shovelling dirt to prevent leaking fuel from entering the drains, and the bay. I think he's a hero, as he was downwind directly in the explosion path. He would have been killed or very seriously burned if the fuel had ignited.

     I didn't want to get tangled up in the job, or get in the crew's way, so I retreated about 80 metres and got some good shots with my long lens. These shots turned out to be invaluable, and they were published on Twitter and by Channel 7. Channel Ten ran all the video and one still picture from my captures. The Herald Sun picked up one of my tweets and used the picture in a story. CFA were grateful for the pic of the Incident Controller sizing up the job.

     The following is a list of tweets and other information in chronological order:

@SharnelleVella is my Channel Ten newsroom contact.

Map via @Incident_Alert

A Youtube video of Channel Ten's footage, submitted by me, can be found here.

Brad Lemon

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